Labh Foundation

Project Empowering SAP

Empowering Specially Abled People
(SAP) for a Better World

Why specially abled people?

To emphasize the goal of inclusive development, we have to cater to the needs of the specially-abled. The percentage of disabled is highest in the age group 10-19 years. This is the most critical age when they study and learn skills to develop a career. Such people need to be able to lead a confident and independent life to be accepted as a part of society. Hence, we have chosen this as one of our focus areas to make a difference.

Facts and figures

  • 19% of all disabled people have a disability in seeing.
  • 20% of all disabled people have a disability in movement.
  • The total number of disabled people has risen by 22.4% in 10 years.

Our projects

Beyond braille

To empower people with a visual disability, we provide digital multimedia kits comprising of Multimedia Player, Media storage, Headphone and Ear Plug. This helps students to revise different academic and non-academic topics, study reference materials and other things of their interest which enhances their ability to perform better in the world

New limbs, new life

To empower amputees, we are in partnership with global NGOs to provide prosthetic arms and legs so that their disability does not deter them from leading a healthy life.

Hand cycle donation

A handcycle enables the person to earn a living and live a dignified life by supporting himself and his family.

Hearing aid

We distribute hearing aids to those in need, transforming their lives by enabling them to play an active role in society.

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