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Walkthrough of the game Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Episode 1 - Once Upon a Time in Stinkin Springs

As soon as the video ends, follow the path forward. You can also go through the destroyed building on the left, but you will still end up on the same route.

The first shootout

As soon as you turn the first corner on the right, you will hear a conversation between two thugs: This will be your first shootout, and you will also receive information about gaining experience points. Kill the enemies and move past the two horses.

Eventually, you will reach the gate leading to the ranch, and as soon as you cross it, another shootout will begin, much bigger. The game will force you to use Concentration, so just follow the instructions in the manual.

View of Billy's farm

Take cover to destroy all the enemies, then move forward until you reach the path blocked by the van. The game will tell you that the only way to get to the other side is to sit down and walk to the left, because the path ahead is blocked.

The path on the right will take you through the blocked entrance in front

Once you get through the fence, you'll find your first Nugget of Truth and probably spend a few experience points on your first level. You can choose between three skill trees: Desperate, Ranger and Trapper.

Fight between pumpkins (5 points for a pumpkin)

After leveling up, you will find yourself in a pumpkin field with bandits around. Take this opportunity to learn how to use the feeling of death. After that, there will be two paths to choose from.

You can follow the path and kill the enemies in the usual way or climb the stairs and kill them from an advantageous position. If you choose the latter, you will be given the option to switch revolvers to Ranger pistols.

Inside the house where Billy is standing

Regardless of the path, in a few moments you will find yourself in the back of the farm, which is also surrounded by enemies.

Get rid of them and go to the door to enter.

Inside, go upstairs and collect another Nugget of Truth along the way. When you open another door, you start the screensaver. When it's over, you'll be given a rifle and you'll have to fight off waves of enemies by shooting at them from the window. Use concentration and shoot at exploding barrels, but be sure to move away from the window as soon as you find that death is coming at you.

After a while, you will hear the command to go to the opposite window. The second part of the fun is no different from the first; just shoot to kill until you get the sign to run away from home.

As soon as you turn around, you will find out that one of the bandits got inside, so kill him by pressing the button indicated on the screen.

Escape from home to get horses

The task now is to bring the horses. To do this, run to the first floor and kick the door. Time will slow down for a moment, and you will have a few precious seconds to destroy most of the remaining enemies. Once outside, run left to the destroyed building, from which a man with a shield will come out. It's better to wait for him to stick out and shoot him as soon as he does; it's better not to waste ammo on a shield attack.

The entrance to the ruined shack

Enter the building and climb the stairs. The bandit attacks you, but kill him quickly by pressing "F". Run forward and jump through the hole in the wall.

While in the air, press the left mouse button and your shooter will automatically aim and kill the enemies.

View of the stable

Return to earth, follow the path, kill the last group of enemies and go right. You will see a stable from which you need to take the horses away.

Before going inside, go to the scarecrow on the right to find the last Nugget of Truth. Now enter the stable to launch another screensaver.

After the screensaver, you will encounter the sheriff himself. The duel is divided into two parts. First, hold the crosshair on the sheriff's body to fill the concentration meter and get the best target. Secondly, keep an eye on the sheriff's hand, because in the first duel you can only get your weapon when he gets his first one. When you both do this, you have a split second to take a shot. If you fail, you will have to repeat the entire sequence.

After the duel, be sure to read the training tips displayed on the screen.

When the kill is completed, the game will put you back on track and you will have to re-enter the stable. Do this to end the episode. 바카라 사이트 플레이어가 입금 및 출금 할 수있는 다양한 보안 결제 옵션을 제공합니다. 여기에는 신용/직불 카드, 전자 지갑, 은행 송금 및 암호 화폐 옵션이 포함됩니다. 이 사이트는 또한 플레이어에게 빠르고 번거롭지 않은 거래를 보장하며 플레이어에게 최고 수준의 고객 지원을 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 이 사이트에는 라이브 채팅, 이메일 및 전화 지원을 통해 연중 무휴 24 시간 이용 가능한 전담 전문가 팀이 있습니다. 그들은 신속하게 응답하고 플레이어가 가질 수있는 모든 문제 나 질문을 해결하도록 도와줍니다.